Shepherd Agency

Welcome to your online training. This program is specifically designed for you and includes all of the content that we recommend for you. The trainings are designed to allow you to focus in on the sections that are most relevant to you – feel free to skip the sections you already know about. Quizzes are provided in each lesson so you can test your knowledge on the topics covered before moving on. Each training also has downloads to help you put what you’ve learned into action – please take note of these at the beginning of the training.

While you have access to our entire content library, find your custom learning paths below.

Certification Instructions

Online Training Kickoff Webinar

Bringing You The Latest in Digital Marketing – Every Week.

Industry News, Expert Interviews, Case Studies, Live Q&A

Stay on the cutting edge of digital marketing in a way that uses your time and resources efficiently for better results.

Click below to join us Live every Wednesday at 3pm EST. Can’t make the call? View all of our recorded webinars and have instant access to hours of high value-content.

For assistance, contact us at, or call us at (513) 223-3878.