People today have shorter attention spans than ever before. With digital mobile consumption this is increasingly shrinking and we now have shorter attention spans than goldfish. In order to combat this if you want your messages to get through you need to craft them smartly. Digital marketing shows us the types of messages and communications that people want — and that drive results. This program will help any business professional become a smarter communicator by breaking through and earning attention.
Discover how to adapt all of your communications for the Age of …Squirrel!
What You’ll Learn:
- Learn how audiences view and interact with content online
- Identify the types of content that have thumb-stopping power.
- Discover the key principles of successful content
- Make smart decisions about content that will work best for your business
- Learn how to create compelling visuals and catchy copy that gets your content noticed.
POWER TIP: Click “Mark Complete” after viewing each topic video in its entirety so that your progress is tracked as you advance through each lesson.
Video Training: 2 hours