In a world where people turn to Google first for answers, getting your content where your audience is searching is critical. In this course, we break down how search works. By understanding the concepts of how to create copy for search, you’ll know why it matters, why SEO should be considered early in the process, how to write for search, and how to measure the success of your content in getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time.
What You’ll Learn:
- Learn how search engines work and how to plan your copy before you start writing.
- Develop a killer keyword list that helps Google attract the right audience
- Learn how to create compelling content that grabs attention in a search result
- Get pro-tips for writing at every stage of the marketing funnel.
- Learn advanced optimization tricks to boost your search engine results
POWER TIP: Click “Mark Complete” after viewing each topic video in its entirety so that your progress is tracked as you advance through each lesson.
Video Training: 2 hours
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